"Josh is scheduled for his heart transplant tomorrow morning (3/13)! Please pray that everything goes better than expected."
"1. Pray for my mom's back pain, for wisdom for the docs to help her. 2. Pray for my cousin's fetus. She only has one artery in umbilical cord. Pray she continues to get nutrients & grow. 3. Pray for Ken Bosch to get relief from pain."
"Praise! Marriage has been doing well! Peace has entered our home & I am so happy! Also, I have an interview University of Delaware."
"Pray for Sylvan, who has not slept well in weeks."
"Pray for Riley and his teammates as they have a 2 week break from games. That they can use it as a chance to rest, get healthy and prepare for the rest of the season."
"Josh has received notice that at least a few hearts have been made available. Please pray that one would be healthy enough for him to receive today or tomorrow."