#1 Best Fruit (Love)

Charlie Davis | 1/28/24 | Galatians 5:16-18,22-24

In this powerful sermon, Pastor Charlie dives into the challenging calling to love our enemies, a central teaching of Jesus. Through vivid illustrations and the gripping story of the Charleston church shooting, he explores the stark contrast between the natural human love we extend to those close to us, and the supernatural, radical love required to forgive those who have deeply hurt us. Drawing from Scripture, Pastor Charlie reminds us that while we were still sinners, Christ demonstrated the ultimate act of love by dying for us. He calls us to tap into this divine love through the power of the Holy Spirit, not to earn God's favor, but because we have already been made perfect through Christ's sacrifice. This message is a thought-provoking invitation to embrace the costly yet transformative love modeled by Jesus, letting go of bitterness and extending grace even to our enemies. It's a call to let the fruit of the Spirit truly take root in our lives, shaping us into ambassadors of God's unnatural, life-changing love. #love, #enemies, #forgiveness, #healing, #Christianity, #faith, #grace, #redemption, #reconciliation.

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